Digitalization The Future of Metals How will the metals industry look in the decades to come? Which developments, innovations and technologies will prevail? Primetals Technologies is asking questions like these today so that the ... ISSUE #03 (SEP 16) 01.09.2016
Digitalization ESTAD: End-to-End Excellence Across the Metals Value Chain of Mechatronics Mechatronics papers will be presented by Primetals Technologies specialists at the ESTAD Congress covering the topics of improved strip-steering control using an optical measurement device, inline ... ISSUE #01 (MAY 15) 01.05.2015
Digitalization ESTAD: End-to-End Excellence Across the Metals Value Chain of Automation Automation papers will be presented by Primetals Technologies specialists at the ESTAD Congress covering the topics of process optimization, condition monitoring, the Process Expert system ... ISSUE #01 (MAY 15) 01.05.2015
Digitalization Ars Electronica: Beyond Tomorrow Michael Badics is the driving force behind new developments at the Solutions division of Ars Electronica, an Austrian-based center of innovation focused on implementing radical presentation and ... ISSUE #01 (MAY 15) 01.05.2015