Cold Rolling Meeting Demand: Electrical Steel and E-mobility Cold rolling technologies that work to maximize output while maintaining and improving the quality of electrical steel grades are vital to meet increasing demands. ISSUE #12 (FEB 23) 26.01.2023
Cold Rolling Rolling for the Future In autumn 2014, Tosyali-Toyo Celik A.Ş. awarded Primetals Technologies a contract for rolling facilities that included a coupled pickling line-tandem cold mill (PL-TCM), a tin-plated steel-sheet ... ISSUE #03 (SEP 16) 01.09.2021
Cold Rolling Blueprint for Excellence In August 2013, a coupled pickling line and tandem cold-rolling mill (PLTCM) supplied by Primetals Technologies commenced operation at Ternium Mexico S.A. de C.V. (Ternium Mexico) in Monterrey ... ISSUE #02 (FEB 16) 01.01.2016
Endless Casting & Rolling More Value for Customers The merging of the former Mitsubishi-Hitachi Metals Machinery and Siemens VAI Metals Technologies in January 2015 to become Primetals Technologies considerably enlarged the company portfolio of ... ISSUE #02 (FEB 16) 01.01.2016
Cold Rolling Next-Generation Rolling Mill Stand Primetals Technologies has developed a new Universal Crown-Control Mill (Hyper UCM) that features work rolls with diameters that are 20% to 40% smaller than those used in conventional UCM mills ... ISSUE #02 (FEB 16) 01.01.2016